Sorry Kids!
Right Now, no books are for sale off of the website, but hopefully that will change soon,
in the mean time, save your change.....
You can see some of the books here....


-The Element Book- For Sale......Soon?
Perodic Table Reference Guide For Kids,
can be viewed at the National Atomic History Muesem in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

-The Book, Vol. 1 "The Beginning "
Kapink's First Full Length Art Experience in Book

-The Book, Vol. 2 "Kapink" -
The Continuation of Kapink's Art Experience in a Book

-Kapink's BlackBook Vol. 1 "Don't be a Cunt"-
The Continuation of Kapink's Art Experience in a Book

And yes, in case you've heard the rumors there are several other books right now, including but limited to,
The Side Show - Pages Written in My Own Blood
American Punk- 7 years and a Keyboard
but that doesn't really mean your ever going to get to see them, hopefully you will, but time will tell